Sunday, September 11, 2005

My very busy weekend....

here it is..
thursday night, i wnet ot the battle thingy my youth group was doing. wasn't really hoping for much, thought it would be pretty stupid. i was wrong. it was friggin awesome.we all got totally covered in mud from head to toe, and i mean totally. (chaffage..ow ow ow) then i went home and did homework till 11. i had to be at school at 6:45 the next morning which sucked. i got there on time and helped get stuff ready for the senior 9-11 lunch and car wash. barely got to homeroom, but i at least got mostly dressed. my shoes weren't in dress code, but then seniors didn't have to go through dress check, so i got off. mr grass asked me if i had other shoes, i told him yes, and he told me just to make sure i changed by the time i had to be a host. so i got to wear my indoor soccer shoes all day with suit pants. booyah! then i had to host the lunch. i couldn't get the top button of my shirt to button. when i finally did, after 5 min of strugglin, i started getting dizzy cuase it was so tight. after the lunch (the fmt sounded really good) which wasn't all that good, other than the desert, i unbuttoned it. that was probably the biggest blood rush i have ever had. wow - it almost sat me down. then after everything got cleaned up, we left for out soccer game. the team was informed by pastor leffew that we needed to put pants on till the game b/c our shorts were immodest. no joke. whatever. then the girls came and watched part of our game. kinda self-defeating. we lost 1-3, but we played a good game (if only the offense would shoot the freakin ball at the goal, but away from the goalie) then i sat on the bus with luke, alex b, and miguel. miguel is one hilarious mexican. the ride home sucked, couldn't sleep, couldn't study, and pastor leffew does not believe in giving his passnegers a smooth and comfortable ride. sat, got up and met isaac at church and took him over to purdue cause we had to park. never doing that again. not worth the time or annoyance. (or gas to purdue and back) came home slept, showered, and went to the ymca to play raquetball with my dad. we played 4 games - he won 2, i won 2. i had better games that he did though. of course. and bradley, just so you know, i beat him 15-0 the last game. eat that, you proud know-it-all. that means i'm better that you now and i will beat you when you come visit. anyway, dad said i could order some more airsoft guns today. the only problem is they are both asleep. and i don't have a credit card. maybe i could make a bomb while i wait.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm glad you had fun thursday night, it looked like fun when we drove by:) Sounds like you had a crazy weekend but not all bad, hope you have a better week~

Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:41:00 PM  
Blogger yoshi said...

hey, we have home soccer games on tues, thurs, and fri. in case you and hannah wanted to know....

Sunday, September 11, 2005 9:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E-mail me! or something, you know why~

Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry that was me~

Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:16:00 PM  
Blogger yoshi said...

nicynice? what the heck?

Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:00:00 PM  
Blogger yoshi said...

oh yeah. i get it. but i don't have your email address.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can e-mail me through my xanga. left hand side where it sez "e-mail me"~

Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:54:00 PM  

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