Monday, August 22, 2005

Knocking back pixie sticks, monty pithon, and airsoft

hey - this weekend was pretty cool. other that getting our butts kicked by bethesda. but i'm not gonna get myself started. anway, i got bored sat night so i had jared come over and he brought monty pithon and the holy grail. (the dvd) we watched it while we downed copious quantities of pixie sticks. dang, those things are goood.we'd watch for a while, then knock a few back, then watch, then knock em back, and so on and so forth. ya know, there are so many things that i caught in that movie that i never caught the first time around. wierd things. gross things. even a few wrong things. the brits are freakin wierd. we watched some of the extra stuff on the dvd too. its easy to understand why the movie is so wierd - both jared and i swear to the fact that one of the directors was stoned (like, really stoned) during the entire interview. he was so stupid. he always had this big grin on his face and this really stupid laugh, and he would bounce around. just watch it sometime. you'll see what i mean. he's a stoner - no doubt about it. anyway, after all that ended, jared went home. then sunday came. church, the usually sunday stuff. i was gonna go to the ymca and work out and swim, so i took chris with me. but they were closed, dang it. ohwell. so we went over to jareds house and "suprised" him. he wasn't very happy about the way we "suprised" him. but then we laughed and got out some airsoft guns and played airsoft in his yard. i had the coolest shot of all time - i arced one over three trashcans and two cars to nail jared right in the eyebrow. jared says that chris got the coolest shot cuase he shot jared in the fingernail, but then jared whined about it the rest of the night, so it ruined the coolness of the shot. wow! i just ate som black cheries that my daddy brought home from his motorcycle trip and dang are they good. i'm gonna get of now and eat them all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kidding joe~

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:19:00 PM  
Blogger yoshi said...

hey should i call you so we can catch up with each other?

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that would be interesting...

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:21:00 PM  
Blogger yoshi said...

hang on, i gotta find it. i know its here somewhere...

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:23:00 PM  
Blogger julio said...

joe,, he didnt hit my fingernail,, he hit underneath my fingernail! thats why i think he got the best shot. you just happened to hit the part of my body sticking out from my minivan. took you a couple times too.

Monday, August 22, 2005 11:06:00 PM  
Blogger yoshi said...

and it didn't take him a couple of times to hit you? it is not physically possible for him to have hit you under the fingernail where your little bruise/welt thingy was. it couldn't have happened that way. when you showed my the mark, it was in the middle of your fingernail. unless you have anairsoft bb in there, it couldn't have happened. eat it.

i bet lillian didn't really expect me to call last night. fooled her. and we had a good chat. lets do it agian sometime.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:52:00 AM  
Blogger julio said...

no joe,, it was his first shot off at me. we were coming up at the same corner and we drew and fired. he claimed i didnt hit him but itd be hard for me to miss. and it went under my fingernail diphead. the welt you saw was a bruise that was caused from my fingernail being pushed down and away. it didnt hit my nail square it went right between my nail and flesh and pulled my nail away from the skin. i dont know how to explain this any better for you,, somehow i still think you wont get it,,

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:51:00 PM  

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